Education Verification Can Screen Out Diploma Mill Degrees

False unaccredited degrees from diploma mills are on the rise and can cause problems for employers. For a fee a diploma mill offers degrees, diplomas or certificates to people with little or no coursework required. Quick degrees that require little or no education is not what employers are looking for. Many employers are requiring a legitimate bachelor’s degree as part of a job requirement. It is now more important than ever for employers to conduct an education verification prior to hiring to make sure the degree listed on the resume is in fact a valid degree and satisfies job requirements. An education verification can be conducted through a third party background screening company like An education verification typically costs around $20. In addition to a criminal background check an education verification as part of a pre-employment screening policy is a smart idea as diploma mills keep producing false and unaccredited degrees. Performing an education verification in addition to other valuable background checks will help screen out diploma mill degrees and help employers hire the right candidates. To read more about how education verifications can help weed out diploma mill degrees view recent press release: